TGC 2019
4K Ultra HD
150,000+ Golf Courses
Course Designer
Live Tournaments
Real Online Play
Instantaneous Gameplay
Online Sharing
Real Life Physics

Golf Simulator Software

GSPro is one of the latest addition to the next generation of golf simulation software. Unlike some other golf simulator software which started as a video game and later forked into golf simulation space, GSPro was designed and created as a true simulator. GSPro is gaining lot of attention lately because of:
Stunning, lifelike, in-game 4K graphics built on the Unity gaming engine
A large community actively building courses with the OPCD tools and playing on the SGT Online Tour
Realistic (claimed better than TGC 2019 and E6 Golf) Ball Physics
Rapid development with Constant game updates with new features

High-Quality Golf Simulator Software Options

E6 Connect
E6 Connect is the highest-quality, most lifelike and customizable golf simulator software ever created. Use E6 golf with launch monitors to teach or train on the driving range, to compete in leagues and online events at a commercial facility, or just play fun indoor golf games at home with friends and family.



E6 Mini Games

Add-Ons: Games & Multisport Options

Practicing on a driving range is often boring, and trying to improve your golfing skills on the course or during a game, is not very effective. Golfisimo - new game package for indoor golf simulators from Creative Golf 3D that includes entertaining games for children and non-golfers, but also competitive games aimed at improvement of short game, shot precision, and playing under time pressure.

Introducing the E6 Interactive Sports Camera. This standalone tracking system can be added to any existing indoor golf simulator and adds world-class sports arcade games. Set up is simple; mount the E6 golf Interactive sports camera to your structure, use the auto-calibration tool and begin playing! This camera-based tracking system works independent of your existing golf simulator technology. This tracking system captures the movements of Baseballs, Soccer Balls, Foam Darts, and more – creating an immersive gaming experience. Make the most of your existing structure and add this multisport experience today!

E6 Golf Mini Games
Family. Fun. Games. The all-new Mini Games from E6 CONNECT brings the entertainment driving range experience to you. These games are available as part of the EXPANDED SUBSCRIPTION, or can be purchased as a Special Lifetime License. Choose from RANGE GAMES or DEMOLITION DRIVING RANGE Packages.